M-League 2023-24 Finals: Games #13-14

On the second-last day of the M-League 2023-24 Finals, in Games #13-14, sights were set. Sights were set on winning the hand, winning the game, winning the championship. We even had one hand where sights were set on yakuman! Let’s set our sights on learning more and get right into it, shall we?

Before the Games

Commentating for this final Thursday is Hiyoshi Tatsuya. Helping him out is former Akasaka Drivens member Murakami Jun (村上淳).

After a review of yesterday’s action, we went to the standings.

The U-Next Pirates hold a large lead over the rest of the competition and time is running out. 2nd place, on the other hand, is easily within reach of the bottom three teams. A single win or loss can be the difference between millions of yen in prize money.

Intro | Game #13 | Game #14

Published by Jellicode

Riichi Mahjong Player, Creator of Jellicode's Jansou and M-League Watch, Maintainer of the World Riichi Map

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