M-League 2023-24 Finals: Games #15-16 and the Awards Ceremony

This is it. The final day of the M-League 2023-24 Finals. At the end of Games #15-16, our champion will be crowned. Soon afterwards, that team will have the chance to lift the plate at the awards ceremony in front of hundreds of live fans, millions of fans watching online. For the last time this season, let’s get right into it, shall we?

M-League 2023-24 Finals: Games #13-14

On the second-last day of the M-League 2023-24 Finals, in Games #13-14, sights were set. Sights were set on winning the hand, winning the game, winning the championship. We even had one hand where sights were set on yakuman! Let’s set our sights on learning more and get right into it, shall we?

M-League 2023-24 Finals: Games #11-12

Closed hands lead to riichi calls. Riichi calls lead to uradora. These uradora lead to surprise comebacks and multiplying scores. In Games #11-12 of the M-League 2023-24 Finals, these surprise uradora were the difference between winning and losing. Let’s uncover the action of today’s game and get right into it, shall we?

M-League 2023-24 Finals: Games #9-10

Risk is necessary in mahjong. However, this risk must be calculated. If calculated well, one will be rewarded well. In Games #9-10 of the M-League 2023-24 Finals, these calculated risks let players win hands, avoid deal-ins and even push against a possible yakuman! I won’t risk boring you, so let’s get right into it, shall we?

M-League 2023-24 Finals: Games #7-8

With the completion of Games #7-8 of the M-League 2023-24 Final Series, we are halfway through the finals! With each game, each choice chosen can be the difference between winning the plate and leaving empty-handed. These important decisions lead to some of the most intense moments in M-League history. With incredible surprises awaiting to be uncovered, let’s get right into it, shall we?

M-League 2023-24 Finals: Games #3-4

Efficiency is a strong factor in riichi mahjong, but sometimes pointed and specific tactical plays can be the difference in who wins and who loses a championship. In Games #3-4 of the M-League 2023-24, tactical plays were rewarded handsomely. With these little bits of ingenuity, it let one team be the only gainers of the day. With suspense established, let’s get right into it, shall we?

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